How To Safely Use Pest Control Products In Your Home

Pest control products include insecticides (insect killers), herbicides (weed killers), and fungicides. Learn how to safely use these products to protect your family and the environment.

Prevent accidental poisonings by keeping children and pets out of treated areas until sprays and dust have dried, unless the product label says otherwise. Click here at to learn more.

pest control

Keep Children And Pets Out

It’s important to keep children and pets out of areas that have been treated with pest control products. Whether it’s an exterminator who has sprayed your home or you have used over-the-counter pesticides, the chemicals are dangerous and can harm them. Taking simple measures, such as removing food and toys from the area, can prevent your children from being exposed to these toxic substances.

The toxins in some pesticides can enter your respiratory system when they come into contact with your skin or lungs and can cause headaches, nausea, eye irritation, and other side effects. Exposure to these toxins can be especially hazardous for infants and children. They spend a lot of time on the ground and touching things such as furniture bases, where pesticides can easily seep in. These toxins can also be transferred to their mouths when they put their fingers or toys in their mouths.

If possible, choose natural pest control methods that are safer for your family. There are several options available, including mechanical traps that contain no chemicals, barriers to pests such as screens and caulking, repellents and even introducing natural predators such as nematodes and ladybugs into your garden.

It’s vital to read and follow the label directions and safety warnings for any pest control product you use in your home. Always apply pesticides to a targeted area, rather than spraying them over an entire room, and always ventilate the space afterward.

When applying a pesticide, remove children, pets, dishes, and clothing from the treated area and keep them out of the room until it’s safe to return. Check the label for instructions on how long you should remain out of the room, and if you have any doubts, ask your pest control team.

If you are unsure about whether a particular product is safe for children and pets, ask your pest control company or the manufacturer for recommendations suitable for your home. It’s also important to talk to your kids and explain the risks of using pesticides in the house. This will help to educate them and reduce their fear of the pests they are trying to eliminate.

Keep Food And Utensils Covered

Leaving food out or open is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when using pest control products. Even the strongest chemicals won’t continue to work overtime if you leave uncovered food around your home. You should store all food in sealed containers and clean up after meals or snacks to keep pests away.

It’s also a good idea to take out the trash regularly and keep outdoor bins closed to prevent pests from accessing your garbage. Cockroaches and other insects can feed on food scraps in the trash, so keeping it away is a great way to help them avoid becoming an infestation problem.

Other sources of food that should be kept sealed up are magazines, newspapers, and brown paper grocery bags, which can attract cockroaches, rodents, and other pests. You should also be sure to clean the area under large kitchen appliances, such as refrigerators and stoves. This space is a common breeding ground for pests, and cleaning it can help you get rid of them more quickly.

If you have indoor plants, it’s a good idea to move them or cover them during pest control treatments. This will protect them from direct contact with the chemicals used, and it’ll give you a chance to wash them thoroughly afterward, following any suggested waiting period.

Similarly, clothing, bedding, and fabric items can absorb the chemicals that are used during pest control treatments. It’s a good idea to move these items outdoors during treatment and to wash them thoroughly afterward, following any suggested waiting period, so that they can be returned to their original locations safely.

It’s also important to vacuum or mop the floors and surfaces in your home before the pest control company arrives. This will reduce the number of insect eggs that the pests can lay, and it will give the treatment a better chance to be effective. It’s also a good idea to remove as much clutter as possible from rooms where the pest control company will be working, such as the kitchen and bathrooms.

Don’t Mix Pesticides

All pesticides are poisons, and they can be dangerous if improperly handled or used in excess. Most pesticide poisonings, whether to people or pets, are caused by careless use, improper storage, or ignorance by the user.

All chemicals should be stored in a cool, dry place and away from children and pets, and must be kept in their original containers (with labels attached) to prevent accidental exposure or contamination. When mixing pesticides, do so only in well-ventilated areas and never mix more than the amount recommended by the label. Using more than the recommended amount will not make the pests any easier to control. It may also cause plant injury and/or environmental harm.

When spraying outdoors, do not apply pesticides on breezy days when spray drift could harm non-target plants or wildlife. Also, do not spray around bodies of water unless the pesticide is specifically labeled for such use. This is because even small amounts of pesticide can pollute streams, rivers, lakes, or other bodies of water.

Whenever possible, consider using bait traps that attract pests with food and then kill them with an insecticide rather than spraying them to eliminate them. These baits often have tamper-proof lids and are designed to be out of reach of young children and pets. If you must use an aerosol or liquid spray, consider one with low volatility to reduce the chance of fire. Be sure to check for electrical hazards near the area where the product will be applied, as some liquid sprays can cause electrical shock or explosions.

After a pesticide has been applied, it is important to wait the recommended time before cleaning surfaces or washing fabrics that have come into contact with the chemical. This will help minimize the possibility of skin or eye irritation and allow the chemical to dry before anyone goes back into the treated area.

It is also a good idea to wear long sleeves, pants, and closed-toe shoes when handling any type of pesticide, and to use a face mask when applying some types of products. Finally, it is always a good idea to consult the pesticide manufacturer’s label for specific instructions and safety warnings.

Keep Pesticides In Their Original Containers

Pesticides must be stored correctly to prolong their shelf life and protect people, pets, plants, and the environment. Start with the label to determine storage guidelines, especially temperatures. Some chemicals will lose their effectiveness if they freeze, get too hot, or are exposed to excess moisture. Then choose a location for storing pesticides that will protect children and pets, preferably in a locked cabinet or utility room. Avoid storing pesticides near food, potable water, animal feed, medical supplies, protective clothing, garden seeds, fertilizers, or gasoline. This will help prevent contamination of these items by vapors, dust, or spills.

Store pesticides in containers that are made of sturdy materials and have tight-fitting lids. Do not transfer them into soft drink bottles or other containers, which can be mistaken by children for something to eat or drink. It’s also a good idea to make sure the labels remain legible. If the labels aren’t, consider re-writing them or making an extra copy for safekeeping.

Take a regular inventory of your pesticides and remove those that are close to or past their expiration dates. This will help you keep track of the products you have and reduce clutter around your home, which can make them easier to access by children or pets. Store only the amount of pesticide you will use this season; unused products are expensive to dispose of and may contaminate the environment.

If you have a small amount of a liquid pesticide left over, dispose of it by putting it in a tight carton or bag and wrapping it securely with several layers of newspaper. Put the package in a trash can that is covered and scheduled for routine collection, but do not throw it in the backyard or into a drain. This could cause a stormwater spill, interfere with wastewater treatment systems, or pollute local streams, rivers, or lakes.

Any equipment or clothing contaminated with a pesticide should be washed separately from other laundry, first using a hose to rinse the material outdoors. Then launder the garments with hot water and a full wash cycle to eliminate any residue. Line-dry the clothing to minimize the risk of recontamination.

General Contractors: Their Key Responsibilities Explained

A General Contractor, also known as a main contractor, prime contractor, or builder, is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site, management of vendors and trades, and communication of information to all parties throughout the duration of a building project.

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In addition to overseeing the project as a whole, the general contractor is also responsible for managing a team of subcontractors that handle various specialties like plumbing and electrical. The contractor is responsible for negotiating contracts, hiring and supervising the subcontractors and purchasing materials to fulfill all the required tasks. The project manager ensures that all the requirements listed in the contract are fulfilled and that the work is done to meet building codes and zoning regulations.

General contractors typically focus on commercial construction projects such as office buildings, retail stores and restaurants. They are experienced in obtaining permits, supply purchases, working with architects and engineers to deliver a project on time, within budget and to the owner’s specifications. They often manage multiple projects at once, requiring them to coordinate schedules and oversee the work of other subcontractors on site.

While both the general contractor and construction manager have responsibilities for delivering the construction project, they are not interchangeable. The general contractor comes on board after the engineering design is complete, and the construction contract is awarded through competitive bidding.

On the other hand, the construction manager is brought on earlier in the process as part of the Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) delivery method. They are usually paid a fixed fee to provide construction services and can be involved in the preconstruction phase as well as overseeing on-site quality inspection during construction.

In this delivery model, the project manager helps set the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) during the development and design phases and is liable for any additional costs above that amount. Alternatively, they can use a Unit Price contract to agree on a unit price for each phase of the construction project.

Whether you’re the leader of an entire construction company or just starting your own one-person business, ProjectManager is the software you need to get your projects organized and completed. With a variety of project management tools, like Gantt charts and task lists, plus the ability to share files and comment at the task level, you can keep your crews on site productive while collaborating with architects and engineers in the office.

Subcontractor Management

The successful completion of a construction project relies on the coordination and collaboration of multiple different parties. General contractors serve as the linchpin in this process, ensuring fluid communication and coordinating projects from start to finish. This often requires a substantial amount of subcontractor management. As such, it’s important that general contractors are able to effectively manage the process in order to avoid project delays and cost overruns. This can be accomplished through setting clear procedures, openly communicating and even using helpful software tools like HammerTech.

One of the most crucial aspects of subcontractor management is timeline management. This involves establishing an effective timeline and tracking the progress of individual tasks to ensure that all work is completed as expected. It’s essential to communicate these timelines clearly to all members of the project team so that they can work collaboratively to keep everything on track.

Another element of timeline management is ensuring that all subcontractors have the necessary documents needed to complete their work. This includes having the proper licenses, insurance coverage, and safety records. Using compliance and management apps that allow subcontractors to securely store and easily share this information will help to eliminate any miscommunications or misunderstandings.

Subcontractor management also involves managing a positive relationship with your subcontractors. This is important because in most cases, you’ll find that construction subcontractors are willing to bend over backward to satisfy your every whim. However, it’s crucial that you don’t abuse this power dynamic. If you do, your subcontractors will become disgruntled and may refuse to work with you again in the future.

When it comes to subcontractor management, the best practice is always to get things in writing. Verbal agreements are easily forgotten and don’t hold up in court as well as written contracts do. This can be especially critical when it comes to financial agreements, as a general contractor must ensure that all terms are outlined properly in order to protect themselves in the event of disputes or non-payment. Additionally, having a legal professional review any contracts is a good way to mitigate risk.

Vendor Management

Vendor management is a key part of any project, with contractors needing to ensure they work with trusted trade partners who can meet deadlines and budgets. Cultivating strong vendor relationships involves ongoing communication, regular evaluations, and timely issue resolution. It also requires assessing risk and aligning performance with business objectives. Using strategic procurement management to reduce risk and increase efficiency is an important part of the process, as is making sure contracts are clear and understandable by all parties involved.

One of the most important tasks of a general contractor is to prequalify vendors before they are hired. This includes conducting a thorough interview, reviewing qualifications and certifications, and ensuring the vendor can provide the services you need at the price you can afford. In addition, this step should include evaluating vendor performance, which may involve asking for references, checking past projects, and analyzing customer service metrics. Having a solid plan and implementing software for contract management can make these chores easier, as they allow you to track each vendor’s progress and make decisions more quickly.

Once the contractor has been vetted and a contract agreement has been signed, it is time to monitor and evaluate performance. This will include comparing pricing, service levels, and termination provisions against the company’s needs and expectations. It is important to involve relevant stakeholders in the review process, including department heads and legal or finance departments. Using a software system to manage contracts can help you speed up the process and keep all information in one place.

Another important aspect of vendor management is communicating with the contractor regularly to ensure they are working on the correct project, using the correct materials and following the timelines you set. It is also essential to communicate any unexpected changes and provide a response based on the impact of the change to the project. This can prevent issues like delays and cost overruns.

Finally, monitoring for any changes in the vendor’s financial stability is critical. A deteriorating financial situation could cause the vendor to stop providing products or services or may even put your business in jeopardy. A good vendor management program can spot these issues and move to find a new supplier as soon as possible.


Whether you’re constructing a shopping mall or remodeling a bathroom, communication is key. Good communication is necessary to ensure everyone is on the same page, which in turn, helps to maintain a project timeline and to deal with any issues that may arise. It’s important to have clear, concise communications and to avoid ambiguity, even when dealing with seasoned professionals. It’s also a good idea to use professional language, avoid abbreviations and to always follow up on communication to make sure you’ve clarified your points.

In most construction projects, GCs work with subcontractors to complete the various elements of a project. A GC typically selects subcontractors through the bidding process and is responsible for managing all aspects of the project from start to finish. On design-build projects, the GC is the owner’s representative and handles both the design and construction of the project. In a design-bid-build project, the GC is responsible for the design phase of the project and may be contracted separately from the architect to manage the construction phase of the project.

The responsibilities of a general contractor also include the financial management of the project. A GC works to maximize value, minimize cost and ensure the project is completed within budget. This involves planning and coordinating with the design team, project managers, subcontractors, suppliers and vendors. It’s a complex job to ensure that everyone is working together as a cohesive unit to bring the project home on time and within budget.

In many cases, the GC is responsible for paying contractors and vendors on behalf of the project owner. This can become complicated when there are delays in the project schedule, weather events or other unforeseen circumstances that affect the progress of the build. It’s important for a GC to stay in contact with all parties to provide updates and to make adjustments accordingly.

The best way to assess the experience of a potential GC is to ask for references from previous clients and to look up online reviews. Make sure the GC has the proper licensing and bonding requirements in your area before you hire them.

Insulation For All Seasons – Maintaining Comfort In Any Climate

Keeping indoor temperatures comfortable year-round is an art that requires a combination of insulation fundamentals, professional HVAC services, smart technologies, and practical strategies. Adding home insulation is one of the most cost-effective and simple ways to improve comfort levels.

Ceiling Insulation Perth is the unsung hero of comfort in every season, regulating temperature and preventing heat from escaping or entering spaces. Whether in the attic, walls, or floors, it’s an energy-efficient solution.



Keeping warm throughout the winter requires a lot of energy, so homeowners should make sure their home is properly insulated before the temperatures drop. Investing in insulation is an investment that will pay for itself in energy savings and comfort all year round.

Insulation helps to keep the interior temperature of a building stable, regardless of external temperatures. It does this by slowing the transfer of heat through the walls and roof of a building. Without proper insulation, homes lose a significant amount of heat through the attic, walls, and windows. This causes the HVAC system to work harder, which ultimately leads to higher energy bills. Insulation keeps the warmth in the house and the cool air out, ensuring that the energy bills stay low.

Aside from keeping the home at a consistent, comfortable temperature, good insulation offers sound reduction as well. It blocks out unwanted noises and makes it easier to hear TV or conversation inside the house. Insulation is available in several forms to suit the needs of different buildings. It can be installed on the walls of a new home, or it can be added to an existing structure. Whether the insulation is made of fiberglass, rock wool, cellulose, or foam boards, it will offer an effective barrier to heat loss and cold air.

People need to understand what type of insulation they need in their homes, and how it works. The insulation they choose will depend on their location and the climate conditions of their area. Insulation materials range from bulky fiber materials such as fiberglass, cellulose, and rock wool, to rigid foam boards and sleek foils. The different types of insulation each have their strengths, but they all provide resistance to heat flow and lower energy costs.

If your attic space is not currently insulated, it’s the perfect time to get it done. A properly insulated attic will not only keep your heating costs down, but will also turn it into a living space that you can use for a playroom, gym, or office.


The weather may be warming up now that winter is over, but that doesn’t mean your home’s insulation has no use this spring. Springtime is the ideal time to upgrade your insulation, as you can enjoy the warm summer climate while also making your home energy-efficient for the upcoming fall and winter.

A well-insulated home is essential for regulating indoor temperatures. Insulation can keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, minimizing the need to overwork your HVAC system. This leads to lower energy bills and a healthier, more comfortable indoor environment.

With the right insulation, you can also minimize outdoor irritants such as pollen and dust that make their way into your home. Spray foam insulation is the best choice for preventing these irritants, as it creates a long-lasting barrier that keeps conditioned air inside and pushes pollens outside.

Many homeowners wait until the heat of summer to schedule an energy efficiency evaluation and re-insulation. The problem is, that limits availability and increases your home’s energy consumption during the peak of the summer season as you try to keep up with your strained HVAC.

Instead, take advantage of the mild temperatures and schedule an appointment to upgrade your attic insulation in spring. You’ll get ahead of the crowd, and avoid waiting all summer to schedule your energy efficiency improvements, while other homeowners are scrambling to find a time for a smart home improvement this fall. Not to mention, when you choose eco-friendly insulation materials like cellulose, you’ll be doing the right thing for the environment and contributing to a sustainable future. So, what are you waiting for? Get ahead of the crowd this spring and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a smart home upgrade.


Insulation is often thought of as an unsung hero for winter homes, but it’s just as important in the summer. It keeps hot air from entering your home, taking pressure off your cooling system and reducing your energy bills.

The way that insulation works is that it traps air in pockets or fibers, slowing the transfer of heat and keeping it in place. In the summer, this prevents hot air from seeping through walls, ceilings, and floors, and it helps to keep your home cool and comfortable.

It also reduces noise transmission, creating a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment. People who live near airports or other loud locations have reported dramatically reduced sound penetration with insulation in their homes.

In addition, it regulates moisture levels, helping to prevent condensation and mold growth which can cause serious damage to your home’s structure and health. This is especially helpful during the summer when high humidity can increase the likelihood of unwanted infiltration from outdoor pollutants and allergens.

Proper insulation and air sealing can drastically decrease the amount of energy your home consumes to stay comfortable. This means lower utility bills and a healthier indoor environment for you and your family.

When it comes to the summer, proper attic insulation and sealing are the keys to keeping your home cool. The sun beats down on your roof and attic all day, and if your home isn’t properly insulated, it allows a lot of the heat that radiates from the outdoors to reach inside. Having adequate attic insulation and air sealing prevents this from happening, keeping your home cooler and lessening the strain on your AC unit.

Spray foam insulation, in particular, is a great choice for the summer. Closed-cell spray foam insulation is waterproof, and it’s designed to fill in all the nooks and crannies of your attic, preventing excess moisture from penetrating your home and causing mold and mildew problems. The dense nature of closed-cell spray foam insulation also ensures that the heat from the outside cannot penetrate your home’s living space, so you can stay cool and comfy all summer long.


As summer fades into autumn and the air becomes brisk and crisp, homeowners often begin to turn their attention toward fall cleaning chores like raking leaves, washing windows, and storing outdoor furniture. However, this is also an excellent opportunity to prepare for winter by insulating their homes. Insulation can be easily installed this time of year and has a direct impact on comfort, energy efficiency, and even property value.

While the average house is leaky, with gaps and cracks that allow chilly air to seep into rooms and waste precious energy, it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way. Insulation will seal these leaks and ensure that the conditioned air in your home stays inside where it belongs. This is true all year but is especially important when cold temperatures arrive and you need to turn up the heat in your house.

Insulating your home is one of the best investments you can make in the long term to maintain comfortable temperatures throughout the seasons. It regulates temperatures, enhances energy efficiency, prevents drafts, controls moisture, provides overall comfort, leads to significant energy savings, and helps the environment.

It’s also worth noting that a well-insulated home can significantly reduce the risk of flu season. This is because insulated homes keep harmful pollutants and allergens out of the indoor air, which can make people who suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma or allergies much more comfortable.

Choosing to have insulation installed in your home this fall will give you the benefits of warm, cozy weather all season long. In addition, if you decide to sell your home in the future, it will be easier to find a buyer if it’s properly insulated and has a lower energy bill.

Contact the home insulation experts at Pippin Brothers to discuss your insulation needs and learn more about how you can benefit from a well-insulated, cost-efficient home this fall. They can recommend the best type of insulation for your needs, explain the benefits, and provide a free estimate on installation. Call today to get started!